Jesus Loves Wapato

Jesus ❤️ Wapato was created during the pandemic when churches where closed down.  We wanted to find a way to help the Wapato community even if our churches wasn't not open. So a youth lead idea was implemented and it was to go out to the community with our church and testify Jesus love by providing free masks with Jesus Loves You logos on them, along with literatures, and signs that had uplifting messages on them about Jesus love. We were impacted by the communities response to the service and we saw the importance of testifying Jesus love.  Most importantly, we saw that God was calling us to be his hands and feet in our community. This allowed us to see the impact and need our community had for prayer and a warm meal.  So in response to aid this need the Jesus ❤️  Wapato Ministry was created.  We then began to offer drive thru prayers and warm meals. We would pray for families that were going through hard times during the height of the pandemic. Then we would offer them a warm meal, as they came by requesting for prayer. Jesus Loves Wapato has grown so much over its short existence, but the effects is forever lasting.  Jesus ❤️ Wapato continues to meet every second and fourth Saturday of the month at the parking next to St Jacks Movies. We hope
to see you there. (Español)